What temperature is pork when cooked?
The short answer.
Firstly, let’s nail down what we’re talking about here when we say, ‘what temperature is pork when cooked?’. We want to take a look into what internal temperatures to target when cooking various cuts of pork. For now, I think the easiest shortest answer is that it should be cooked to a high enough temperature to make it safe to eat. Since 2011, the USDA has recommended cooking pork to a minimum internal temperature of 145F followed by a 3 minute rest time. Before that the recommendation was a 160F internal temperature. For our purposes we’ll say a safe temperature is 145F to 160F with a 3 minute rest after cooking.
Cook pork to an internal temperature of 145F to 160F followed by a 3 minute rest.
What temperature are pork cuts when cooked?
Differing cuts of pork have their own unique internal temperature targets. This mostly varies because of either the desired result or the amount of fat in the meat. For example, if you’re targeting a pinker pork you’ll shoot for a lower internal temperature. Or if you’re cooking a fattier cut you want to shoot for a higher internal temp to render the fat. We’ll get into some more detail on some popular cuts down below. Before we do that, here is a link to a really nice list of pork cut times and temps from PorkBeInspired.com.
What temperature should a ham be cooked to?
Firstly, hams are usually fairly large, around 5 to 6 pounds. Therefore, they’ll take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours to cook. Hams should be cooked to an internal temperature of 145F. Some will even shoot for 140F even though this is slightly below the USDA ‘safe zone’ temperature.

A ham is a fairly large piece of meat that should be cook for 2 to 4 hours. Normally, you’ll target a temperature of 140F to 145F.
What temperature should pork butt (shoulder) be cooked to?
Generally you’ll target a temperature between 195F and 205F when cooking a pork butt. This is on the higher end of internal temperatures for pork. Pork butt is a really fatty meat with a lot of connective tissue. Hence it needs to be cooked to a high enough temperature to render all of the fat and soften the connective tissues. It’s also usually a pretty big piece of meat so it will take at least 3 hours to cook and 1 hour to cool down.
What temperature should pork chops be cooked to?
When cooking pork chops shoot for an internal temperature of 145F to 155F. It should take around 10 to 20 minutes to reach this internal temperature. After that, you’ll need to rest the chops for at least 3 minutes. This same temperature range applies to all types of pork chops both bone-in and bone-out.
What temperature should pork tenderloin be cooked to?
When cooking pork tenderloin follow the general rules of safety. Meaning target an internal temperature of 145F to 160F and rest for 3 or more minutes. If you overcook tenderloin it will dry out and be chewy.
What temperature do pork patties and sausages need to be cooked to?
For patties, sausages, or anything ground we recommend an internal temperature of 160F or higher. Ground pork is more likely to have internal contaminants which means we need a slightly higher temperature to be safe.